Welcome to Pursue PFAS Free
We’re Glad You’re Here

If you’ve been worried about the quality of our local water resources here in Washington State, you’re not alone. At Pursue PFAS Free, we’re dedicated to spreading awareness about the harmful effects of PFAS contamiantion, specifically in our drinking water. Many people are unaware of the dangers these contaminants pose. Our goal is to shed light on the cancer-causing nature of PFAS and its negative effects, while providing insight on how to reduce exposure to these harmful chemicals.
At Pursue PFAS Free, we believe that knowledge is power. That’s why we provide our community with transparent and informative resources to protect people from the harmful effects of PFAS. The impact of PFAS is far-reaching and persistently affects our land, livestock and homes. It is in our drinking water, our soil and our blood. Even our military organizations and fire services, who serve to protect us, are impacted by it. PFAS in our water is a national crisis that affects us all, and it’s up to us to take action. The time for this is NOW.

The Fight Against PFAS in Our Water
A Community Effort
Imagine a future where clean water is available for everyone. Where future generations can thrive without fear of harmful chemicals in their water supply. Achieving this future is not an individual task, rather a shared responsibility we must undertake together.
Join our community and take action against the PFAS crisis. We’ve already begun the work of translating our passion into actionable steps to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our community. Our achievements to date include hosting community meetings and generating community involvement in government oversight and regulations, as well as cleanup plans. These active strides move us towards a brighter future, but the fight doesn’t stop there. We need your help to advance towards our end goal of pure, PFAS-free water.
A PFAS Free Future:
Our Commitment to the Community
Clean water is essential to our existence. We’re committed to providing our community with the knowledge necessary to take action against PFAS. Our vision is to create a centralized hub of the latest research, news releases, water testing and filtration resources and other essential information related to the PFAS contamination crisis. By fostering a dialogue around PFAS, we aim to create a vibrant network and forum where like-minded individuals can unite and drive meaningful change. Our community is devoted to preserving local ecosystems and advocating for better environmental health legislation. Join us in our efforts to end the PFAS contamination crisis and create a healthier future for generations to come.

Getting involved is as simple as subscribing to our newsletter to stay current on the latest news and initiatives on PFAS. Contact us today to join the cause!
Disclaimer: This material is funded through a Public Participation Grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. The content was reviewed for grant consistency but is not necessarily endorsed by the agency.
Este material ha sido financiado por una Subvención de Participación Pública del Departamento de Ecología del Estado de Washington. El contenido de la subvención fue revisado para verificar su coherencia, pero no es necesariamente endosado por la agencia.